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Founder, Annette's Virtual Solutions, LLC

Annette has organization and precision in her blood. Born and raised in The Bahamas but a naturalized American citizen, Annette received her professional training in the state of Maryland where she employed her skills for more than twenty years. She combines her people-loving heritage from The Bahamas with her results-oriented focus of corporate America. For her clients, this means they can expect service from an honest, people-centered, professional who is utterly reliable and dependable.


Annette works comfortably with C-Suite level executives and managers of all ranks in both the private and public sectors, small business owners, and sole proprietors. Having worked for a no-nonsense manager who thrived on perfection, she adopted a professional philosophy aimed at producing the highest quality work, maintaining impeccable communication skills, focusing on client service, and exemplifying an unquestioned work ethic.


What followed over the years has been a string of professional training, corporate positions as a Professional Administrator, Event Planning Manager, Project Manager, and business administrator. Annette has operated her own online business and to round off her professional skills, she has been a leader and an active participant in the volunteer sector and community engagement for over two decades.


Annette is an online business manager and notary, with certifications in Business Administration management, Event Planning, Project Management Professional, and Website Design. As Founder of Annette's Virtual Solutions, LLC, she brings her professional, advanced skills with great efficiency in Event Planning. She has a solid working experience with numerous 'Cloud' based tools and computer programs. Whichever task to be done well, consider it done! 


Annette is well-spoken, articulate, well-groomed, well-rounded, and personable. She is a consummate team player. A firm and creative facilitator, and world traveler, with an active energetic lifestyle, Annette has a deep love for reading, cultures, making memories, journaling, writing, blogging, photography, exercising, crafting, cooking, pet care, and the outdoors. 


Business Development Advisor

As our Business Development Advisor, Zhivargo Laing helps us maintain strategic focus, so that our virtual business delivers the value our customers require in an ever-dynamic world.  He guides us to remain observant, innovative, and responsive to the needs of clients.  He says often, “The businesses that succeed are the ones that maintain a high level of strategic intent and execution in a competitive world.”

Zhivargo is described as wise beyond his years. It is no wonder that he became youngest cabinet minister in his country 's history at the age of 29. Highly sought after for advice and guidance on complex issues, Zhivargo has also presented at scores of conferences and seminars in multiple countries for more than two decades. His clarity of mind enables him to break through the fog of complex issues delivering understanding and solutions that might otherwise remain hidden. Highly trained and experienced in economics, business, leadership, and public policy, Zhivargo, offers insights on these and other topics that informs, inspires, and empowers. This former Minister of Finance from The Bahamas, believes that “personal and corporate fulfilment and success are rooted in clarity of purpose, focus of mind, regard for others, and wisdom to course correct in the face of failings”.

Zhivargo believes that “giving up and giving in is what happens when the mind is lost in the lie of aloneness but such a mind will never do so when authentically connected to others who care.”  
